Prof. Dr. Andreas M. Tillmann


Academic Career

I studied Financial and Business Mathematics at TU Braunschweig (Dipl.-Math. Oec., 2009), received my doctoral degree from TU Darmstadt (Dr. rer. nat., 2013) and achieved my habilitation at TU Braunschweig (university lecturer qualification/venia legendi for mathematics, 2024/25). As a PostDoc, I was with TU Darmstadt (2014 to 2016), RWTH Aachen (2017 to 2019) and TU Braunschweig (2019 to 2025), held several interim professorships (TU Braunschweig (Winter 14/15), TU Clausthal (Summer 23, Winter 24/25)) and spent the summer of 2019 as a visiting researcher at the CERC Data Science for Real-Time Decision Making at Polytechnique Montréal, Canada.
In February 2025, I became the professor for Discrete Optimization at TU Clausthal.


see Google Scholar or ResearchGate


The research activities of my Discrete Optimization group encompass theoretical and practical aspects of (discrete, especially mixed-integer) optimization with applications in signal and image processing, machine learning and operations research.


The courses offered by the chair comprise basic lectures on optimization and mathematics in general, special lectures for Master study programs (business-/technomathematics and related fields, e.g., computer science) as well as seminars and the supervision of final theses (BSc/MSc WTM).

Phone: +49 5323 72-2491

TU Clausthal
Institute for Mathematics
Discrete Optimization Group
Room 105 / Erzstraße 1
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld