Journal directory
Acta mathematica | Uppsala | 1882 | - |
Acta Scientiarum mathematicarum | Szeged | 1922 | Link |
Advances in Applied Prob. | Sheffield | 1969 | - |
Aequationes mathematicae | Basel | 1968 | Link |
American Journal of Mathematics | Baltimore | 1878 | Link |
Amer. math. Monthly | Washington | 1894 | Link |
Annals of Mathematics | Princeton | 1899 | Link |
Annales Scientif. de l'Ecole norm.sup. | Paris | 1884 | Link |
Annals of Probability | San Francisco | 1973 | CD-ROM |
Annals of Statistics | Baltimore | 1973 | CD-ROM |
Appl. Stoch. Models in Business and Industry | New York | 1985 | Link |
Archiv der Mathematik | Basel | 1948 | Link |
Bulletin of the American Mathemat. Soc. | Providence | 1894 | Link |
Bulletin de la Societe Mathem. de France | Paris | 1872 | Link |
Combinatorica | Budapest | 1988 | - |
Compositio mathematica | Groningen | 1935 | - |
Communications in Part. Diff. Equations | New York | 1976 | Link |
Duke Mathematical Journal | Durham | 1935 | - |
Enseignement math. | Geneve | 1955 | Link |
Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems | Cambridge | 1981 | Link |
Hiroshima Math. Journal | Hiroshima | 1971 | - |
Illinois Journal of Mathematics | Urbana | 1957 | Link |
Integral Equations and Operat.Theory | Basel | 1978 | Link |
Inventiones Mathematicae | Berlin | 1966 | - |
Jahresbericht Dt. Math. Vereinig. | Stuttgart | 1892 | Link |
Journal of the American Mathemat. Soc. | Providence | 1960 | Link |
Journal of Applied Prob. | Sheffield | 1964 | Link |
Journal Diff. Geom. | Bethlehem | 1989 | Link |
Journal Funct. Analysis | New York | 1967 | - |
Journal Lie Theory | Lemgo | 1994 | Link |
Journal London Math. Soc. | London | 1926 | Link |
Journal Reine u. Angew. Mathematik | Berlin | 1826 | Link |
Mathematische Annalen | Berlin | 1869 | - |
Mathemat. Nachrichten | Berlin | 1948 | Link |
Mathematics of Computation | Providence | 1943 | Link |
Mathematics of OR | Linthicum | 1976 | Link |
Mathematika | London | 1954 | - |
Math. Intelligencer | Berlin | 1978 | - |
Mathematical Reviews | Providence | 1940 | Link |
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde | Groningen | 1894 | - |
Numerische Mathematik | Berlin | 1959 | - |
Probability in Eng.& Inf.Sciences | New York | 1986 | fehlt |
Proceedings of American Math. Soc. | Providence | 1950 | Link |
Proceedings of London Math. Soc. | Oxford | 1904 | Link |
Queuing Systems | Basel | 1986 | Link |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | Philadelphia | 1965 | Link |
SIAM Theory of Probab. Applications | Philadelphia | 1957 | Link |
Transact. American. Math. Society | Providence | 1960 | Link |