Veröffentlichungen, Tagungen - F. Hanauska


Dr. rer. nat. Franz Hanauska Institut für Mathematik TU Clausthal

  1. On the distribution of the discrete spectrum of nuclearly perturbed operators in Banach spaces, (together with M. Demuth) Indian J. Pure Appl. Math., 46 (2015), no. 4, 441-462.
  2. Estimating the number of eigenvalues of linear operators on Banach spaces, (together with M. Demuth, M. Hansmann, G. Katriel) J. Funct. Anal., 268 (2015), 1032-1052.
  3. On the closure of the discrete spectrum of nuclearly perturbed operators, Oper. Matrices., 9 (2015), 359-364.
  4. On the discrete spectrum of linear operators on Banach spaces Dissertation an der TU Clausthal (2016)