Dr. Alexander Herzog
- 1999-2004 Studies of Mathematics at the TU Clausthal.
- 2008 doctorate to Dr. rer. nat.
University activity
- 2002-2003 Assistant researcher at the Institute of Mathematics at the TU Clausthal.
- Since 2004 research associate at the Institute of Mathematics in the research group "Stochastic Models in Engineering".
- Since 2009 research associate at the Simulation Science Center of the TU Clausthal.
- Since 2013 managing director of the Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen.
Industrial projects
- 2006-2007 Project with Arcor AG on demand analysis and optimization of call centers.
- 2007-2008 Project with Lufthansa AG on punctuality optimization of flight schedules.
- 2012 Project with Siemens AG on total airport management.
- 2012-2013 Training "Statistics with Excel" for Telekom AG.
- 2014-2018 Project with Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH to optimize surface inspection in strip steel production.
- 2017-2020 Project with AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke on modeling, stochastic simulation and optimization of production processes in heavy plate production.
Honorary activities
- Since 2008 member of the jury of the state competition Jugend forscht in Lower Saxony.
- Event-oriented stochastic simulation (see Callcenter Simulator and SimOps)
- Markov chains and continued fractions
- Queueing theory (see Queueing Calculator)
- Time series analysis
- Application development (especially in Java, Delphi and php/Javascript)
Functions: Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen
Management of the Simulation Science Center Clausthal-Göttingen
- Representation of the SWZ
- Acquisition and coordination of major projects and grants
- Planning of strategic concepts
- Personnel management, planning and control of resources
- Accompanying and supervising construction and marketing measures
Functions: Institute for Mathematics
Accompanied lectures
- Algebra I (WS 2002/2003; Dr. Elsholtz)
- Algebra II (SS 2003; Dr. Elsholtz)
- Analysis II (SS 2004; Prof. Kairies)
- Analysis III (WS 2004/2005; Prof. Kairies)
- Proseminar Analysis (WS 2004/2005; Prof. Kairies)
- Stochastics I (WS 2004/2005; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics II (SS 2005; Prof. Hanschke)
- Correspondence course Practical Statistics (SS 2005; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics III (WS 2005/2006; Dr. Mederer)
- Hauptseminar Stochastik - Queueing Theory (WS 2005/2006; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics IV (SS 2006; Prof. Hanschke)
- Engineering Statistics II (SS 2006; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics I (WS 2006/2007; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics II (SS 2007; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics III (winter term 2007/2008; Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics IV (SS 2008; Prof. Hanschke)
- Distance course Engineering Statistics (SS 2008; Prof. Hanschke)
Lectures given
- Stochastic Modeling and Simulation (WS 2008/2009)
- Block lecture Statistics with Excel (WS 2012/2013)
- Mathematics for Business Administration and Chemistry II (SS 2013)
Supervised theses
- C. Grothjohann: "Outsourcing strategies for call centers" (Diploma thesis, 2007)
- T. Gröger: "Queuing systems with group arrivals, group conditions and heterogeneous customers" (Diploma thesis, 2007)
- F. Schink: "Value Based Departure Sequencing" (bachelor thesis, 2012)
- F. Schink: "Revision of defect classification of surface inspection systems by downstream cluster analysis (ROCA)"(Master thesis, 2014).
- S. Rodler: "Systematic serial defect detection in the context of post-evaluation of surface inspection results"(Bachelor thesis, 2014).
Participation in the preparation of the following lecture notes
- Stochastics I (Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics II (Prof. Hanschke)
- Stochastics III (Prof. Hanschke)
- Analysis I-III (Prof. Mertins)
- Topology (Prof. Mertins)
- Functional Analysis (Prof. Mertins)
- Operator Theory (Prof. Mertins)
- Algebra I&II (Prof. Klotz)
- Algebra I&II (Dr. Elsholtz)
Projects of the Institute
- Project ELAN (E-Learning Academic Network): Development of the online script system and implementation of the online scripts for Stochastics I to III.
- Development and administration of the homepage of the Institute of Applied Stochastics and Operations Research and of the working group Stochastic Models in Engineering Sciences
- Stud.IP: Administration of the learning management platform Stud.IP for the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Applied Stochastics and Operations Research (until 2009)
Functions: TU Clausthal
- Member of the editorial team"Studieren in Clausthal" (especially coordination of the Bachelor-Master transition possibilities at the TU Clausthal)
- Collaboration in the further development of the homepage and web services of the TU Clausthal(central web pages, campus map, mobile web pages, search function and others)
Book: "Call center - management and analysis".
Call center - analysis and management modeling and optimization with queuing systems
Author: Alexander Herzog Published: Springer, 2017
ISBN (e-book): 978-3-658-18309-7 ISBN (softcover): 978-3-658-18308-0
Book: "Simulation with the queue simulator".
Author: Alexander Herzog Published: Springer, 2021
ISBN (e-book): 978-3-658-34668-3 ISBN (softcover): 978-3-658-34667-6
Book: "Bridge Course in Mathematics for Economists
Bridge course in mathematics for economists
Authors: Walter Purkert, Alexander Herzog Published: Springer, 2022
ISBN (e-book): 978-3-658-36742-8 ISBN (softcover): 978-3-658-36741-1
Interviews and newspaper articles
- 2008/10/28: Spiegel Online: "How we could all store faster".
- Quarter 1/2011: iQ Journal (VDI Braunschweiger Bezirksverein): "Applied mathematics at the TU Clausthal" (author).
- 6/25/26/2012: Nürnberger Nachrichten: "When nothing moves forward" (German)
- 8/1/2012: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: "Why queues make us so angry"
- 8/19/2012: Rheinpfalz am Sonntag: "I was there first!"
- 7.10.2012: Sonntag Aktuell: "Conjuring up is no use"
Phone: +49 5323 72-2966
Fax: +49 5323 72-2304 (Secretariat)
E-Mail: alexander.herzog@tu-clausthal.de
TU Clausthal
Institute of Mathematics
Stochastic Models in Engineering Group
Room 115 / Erzstraße 1
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld